The Brotherhood Soldier Suit is a popular piece of underarmor in Fallout 76, associated with the Brotherhood of Steel faction. This article will cover its price, rarity, and how to obtain it.
Price and Rarity
Type: Underarmor
Rarity: Common
Estimated Value: Approximately 63 caps, with prices ranging from 25 to 100 caps depending on the market and availability.
Obtaining the Brotherhood Soldier Suit
The Brotherhood Soldier Suit can be obtained by looting it from Brotherhood of Steel members or purchasing it from vendors. It is one of the most common Brotherhood of Steel underarmors, making it relatively accessible for players under level 15.
Crafting and Upgrades
While the suit itself is not craftable, players can enhance their underarmor with various mods and linings. For example, the shielded lining can be added to improve protection, though this requires additional materials and plans.
In Fallout 76, caps are essential for acquiring gear, and the Brotherhood Soldier Suit's affordability is a significant advantage. With the suit typically costing between 25 to 100 caps, it's an accessible choice for players who don't want to spend a large amount of Fallout 76 caps. This is particularly beneficial since caps can be challenging to come by, especially during the early stages of the game. By opting for the Soldier Suit, players can ensure they're well-equipped while conserving their caps for more expensive necessities or future purchases.
Comparison with Other Brotherhood Items
Other Brotherhood items, such as the BOS Soldier Uniform, have a much higher price range, typically between 2,500 to 4,000 caps. This highlights the affordability and accessibility of the Soldier Suit compared to other Brotherhood apparel.

The Brotherhood Soldier Suit is a practical and affordable piece of underarmor for players in Fallout 76. Its common rarity and relatively low price make it an attractive choice for those looking to gear up with Brotherhood of Steel gear without breaking the bank. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new player, this suit is a solid addition to any character's wardrobe.